Since 2000, we are the leading agency of human resources consulting in Poland and abroad. We specialize in the recruitment of engineers, managers and specialists for production and service companies and new investments - "greenfield" and "brownfield" projects.

For one of our clients- the international manufacturing company which operates in the aerospace industry, we are looking for the candidates for the position of:


Procurement Manager


  • Generate PO/PAG based on MRP requirements or individual, authorized requisitions
  • Manage suppliers" acknowledgments, negotiate improvements and suggest alternative solutions with internal customers
  • Regularly analyze LoB / back order and take relevant actions
  • Ensure consistency of supply parameters, keep them always updated
  • Negotiate lead-times/quantities with suppliers within frames of valid purchase agreement
  • Contribute to Purchasing, supplier management, invoice disputes, supplier scorecards, capability, overall quality, risk assessment
  • Analyse and handle MRP exception messages
  • Ensure on time availability of materials for production and assembling, launch expediting when required, escalate properly on time
  • Develop supply models with suppliers to reduce total cost, minimize inventory and reduce risk of no delivery
  • Manage and resolve non conformities under procurement liability
  • Manage return of non-conforming parts to suppliers following Quality notices, ensure debit note issuance and execute cost recovery
  • Deliver Procurement kpi pack: spend development, OTD, SEB, No-quality,
  • Gain awareness of supply agreements and comply with their stipulations, execute suppliers" liabilities


  • Full accountablity for assigned team"s delivery, performance and compliance
  • Take accountability for assigned STSP level strategic goals (Hoshin Kanri)
  • Manage QRQC-1 in functional teams, delegate representatives to all levels QRQC in other locations
  • Prepare input for QRQC-2 and brief kpi"s daily, propose actions and implement changes
  • Review workload and adjust resources if necessary
  • Deliver assigned kpi"s and business review packs on time
  • Plan and execute related budget, ACTU, PMT
  • Define risks in the managed area, implement and execute mitigation plans, report in company
  • Continuously improve processes within accountability area and contribute to improvement of other processes
  • Pass internal and external audits, ensure right people to represent the team and execute corrective actions
  • Develop people"s technical skills
  • Manage Skills and Competencies Matrix
  • Support promotion of talents and lead VIE programs if available
  • Ensure compliance with all Corporate politics for all managed people
  • Comply with all legal regulations related to people management, especially: briberry & corruption, working time, behaviours, language, HS&E, exclusions, minorities, dress code
  • Collect feedback from her/his team, organize 1:1 and Q&A sessions in agreed cycles
  • Deliver HS&E initiatives (ex. yellow cards), challenge the team to look around and record
  • Stimulate development of cross business communication in functional teams (STSC-SHE-SAB-AGIP-SAEP...)
  • Assess people"s performance at least twice a year, provide feedback and set up PIP if necessary
  • Manage SAP authorizations within accountability area
  • Keep 5S in all areas, including data & parameters in SAP
  • Keep dedicated shared drives clean, properly accessible and professionally structured



  • At least 5 years’ experience in Supply Chain in international organization
  • Experience in SAP (MM/PP/SD)
  • Ability to work under stress
  • Readiness to travel abroad in business
  • Strong analytical skills and experience in MS office
  • Advanced knowledge in P2P processes
  • Six Sigma green belt is an advantage
  • Business acumen

Our Partner offers:

  • Employment contract
  • Excellent salary
  • Attractive bonus system.


Please note, we will contact only selected candidates.


W aplikacji prosimy o umieszczenie klauzuli:

Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie przez K&K Selekt Centrum Doradztwa Personalnego Katarzyna Kordoń, moich danych osobowych zawartych w aplikacji o pracę na potrzeby aktualnych i przyszłych procesów rekrutacyjnych. Wyrażam także zgodę na udostępnianie moich danych osobowych potencjalnym pracodawcom do celów związanych z procesem rekrutacji. Jestem świadomy/a, że mam prawo wycofania zgody w każdym czasie. Wycofanie zgody nie ma wpływu na zgodność z prawem przetwarzania dokonanego przed jej wycofaniem. Przesłanie danych osobowych w szerszym zakresie, niż określonym w art. 221 Kodeksu pracy (np. telefon, email), stanowi zgodę na przetwarzanie tych danych przez K&K Selekt Centrum Doradztwa Personalnego Katarzyna Kordoń, w celu prowadzenia procesu rekrutacyjnego. Zgodę można wycofać w każdym czasie.

Powyższa zgoda została wyrażona dobrowolnie zgodnie z art. 4 pkt 11 RODO. Oświadczam, że zostałem poinformowany o możliwości dostępu do moich danych osobowych i ich aktualizacji oraz możliwości usunięcia lub ograniczenia przetworzenia. Obowiązek informacyjny o RODO w linku