Terms & Conditions
Terms of service for the electronic portal tylkotalenty.pl
These regulations specify the conditions for the provision of services through the portal www.tylkotalenty.pl belonging to K&K Selekt Personnel Advisory Center, Katarzyna Kordoń, 35-330 Rzeszow,
ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 2, CEIDG 10349 certificate in 1273, NIP 813-102-72-51, REGON 690256268, registered in the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity of the Republic of Poland carried out by the Minister responsible for the economy.
The Client may contact the Service Provider by: Phone: +48 17 871 39 77 and by E-mail: kkselekt@kkselekt.pl
I. Dictionary
The terms used on tylkotalenty.pl portal have the following meaning:
Account - ndividual panel managing data related to the Client's basic personal information and the course of their careers available in the Portal, subject to registration and logging in by entering their Username and Password.
Portal - an online system available on the Internet operating at www.tylkotalenty.pl, led by the Service Provider.
Registration – procedure of setting up 'My Account' by the Client, using the registration form.
Terms and Conditions – portal www.tylkotalenty.pl rules that define electronic services in the area of Internet domain tylkotalenty.pl by the Service Provider to the Client.
Recruiters - Employers interested in hiring the Client, taking action via the Portal in order to carry out the recruitment process.
Service Provider - K&K Selekt Personnel Advisory Center Katarzyna Kordoń.
The Client - a person using the Portal, provided that the person has full legal capacity or limited legal capacity in cases covered by generally applicable laws.
The Service - the provision given by the Client to the Service Provider to help in seeking employment via the Portal in accordance with the Regulations.
II. General Terms
1. www.tylkotalenty.pl portal provides services related to the employment process - intermediary services in the process of recruitment.
2. In order to be able to use the Portal, acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is mandatory.
3. Terms and Conditions are available by the Service Provider free of charge at the registered office of the Service Provider, and at the www.tylkotalenty.pl website, where it may be downloaded and printed.
4. Any action taken by the Client within the Portal should be in accordance with applicable law and morality.
The Client is forbidden from delivering any illegal contents.
5. The portal websites may contain forwarding paths to other websites held under the management of other companies, especially companies supporting payments for services. When connecting to those sites the user is required to familiarize him or herself with the rules of use of those services and their compliance.
6. To enable the use of the Portal the service is provided electronically by the Service Provider within the meaning of the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of electronic services (DZ. U. of 2002., No. 144, item. 1204, with further amendments), which acts on the basis of the contract concluded between the Service Provider and the Client under the Term and Conditions for the provision of Electronic Services
7. The contract for providing the free service to the Client can be cancelled by the Client at any time without giving specific reason by sending an adequate message to E-mail: kkselekt@kkselekt.pl
Appendix 1 – Cancellation Form Template.
III. Conditions for using the Portal and registration
1. In order to use the Portal, it is necessary for the Client to have a data communication device with access to the Internet, a web browser properly configured in the current or previous versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Opera, as well as an active and a properly configured e-mail account.
2. Before using the Portal it is necessary for the Client to familiarize him or herself with its contents, and to create an account in order to provide information on the Client's career to potential future employers.
3. It is possible use the Client Account after it has been created with the correct Username and Password. In order to use the account the Client is required to log in with a password.
4. Establishment of accounts takes place by means of voluntary registration, consisting of completing the registration form, which is available in the Portal area, and submitting it to the Service Provider.
5. The Client using the account can create a Resume (CV) by allowing access to their data by filling in the mandatory and/or optional fields on the form to show the history of their education and careers. Additionally, the Client can attach other files with their CV, etc.
6. The Client has the right to determine the level of availability of the CV, among others, by determining the recruiters or industries to whom the Client's CV can not be made available.
7. By logging in and creating a CV, the Client is agreeing to publish his/her CV in the "CV Database".
8. The data contained in the Resume can also be used by the Client to apply for jobs that are shared by the Portal database.
9. The Client shall have the right at any time to make changes to their data so that they are up to date.
10. The Service Provider has the right to suspend the provision of services in the absence of data update by the Client within two years.
IV. Provision of free Electronic Services
1. The Service Provider provides to the Client with the following free electronic services:
a. Conducting Accounts
b. Collection and storage of data in the CV Database,
c. Mediation in the recruitment processes,
d. Newsletter.
Apx. A. The contract for the provision of services for maintaining of the Account is concluded for an indefinite period at the start of using the Account. The subject of this contract is to provide the Client Account with the management panel on the Website and electronic services.
Apx. B. The contract for the provision of services to collect and store data in the CV Database is concluded for an indefinite period from the start of use of the CV form and is terminated at the time of removing the CV from the CV Database by the Service or the Service Provider. The subject of this Agreement is to provide the CV form located on the website of the Portal, in order to present the Client's profile to the recruiter.
Apx. C. Contract for the provision of intermediary services in the process of recruitment is concluded for a fixed period at the start of the recruitment process by the Recruiter. The subject of this contract is to provide the Clients CV located in CV Database on the Portal in order to get acquainted with his candidacy by the Recruiter and/or conduct interviews.
Apx. D. Agreement for the provision of Newsletter services is concluded for an indefinite period upon receipt from the Client's e-mail address confirmation of provision of the Newsletter services provided by the Service Provider. Ordering the service occurs through the activation by the Client of the appropriate Newsletter activation box on the registration form or any other form provided by the Service Provider on the Website. The object of this Agreement is to issue the Client with email messages from the Service Provider providing the Client with information regarding new job offers according to the Client's Profile. This Agreement shall be terminated as soon as the Client chooses to unsubscribe from the Newsletter subscription by using the subscription deactivation field.
2. The contract for the provision of free Electronic Services may be terminated by the Client or the Service Provider for any reason and at any time, using the functionality contained in the Terms and Conditions or by e-mail, sent to the e-mail included in the Service Provider contact information.
V. Complaints
1. Complaints can be submitted in writing to the Service Provider's address.
2. Notification of complaint should include a description of the problem and the Client identification details.
3. The Service Provider recognizes the complaint within 14 days from the date of submitting it. It is advised to include Client contact details within the content of the complaint, in order for the Customer Service to be able to respond to the complaint.
VI. Termination of the Agreement
1. The user may withdraw the provision of Electronic Services without giving any reason within 14 days of the agreement, subject to standards indicated in the letter of withdrawal from the Agreement annexed to the Term and Conditions.
2. The statement of withdrawal from the Agreement can be submitted on the form, a model of which is annexed to the Term and Conditions, which is in the area of the Portal and is available below.
Privacy and personal data protection policy GDPR
Following the entry into force as of 25 May 2018 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council as of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC, hereinafter the GDPR, we wish to inform you of the following:
Who is the controller of your personal data?
The controller for your personal data is Katarzyna Kordoń, conducting business activity under the name K&K Selekt - Centrum Doradztwa Personalnego Katarzyna Kordoń, hereinafter referred to as K&K Selekt, Rzeszów 35-330, ul. Powstańców Wielkopolskich 2.
How can you access your personal data information?
The controller appoints a data protection officer, who can be contacted via the following email address: tylkotalenty@kkselekt.pl, or by traditional mail to the address indicated above.
What is the purpose of collecting and processing your personal data?
Your personal data will be collected and processed solely for the purpose of:
1. provision of services i.e. execution and performance of the agreement, including providing a potential employer with candidate resume, contacting the Client and Candidate both via email and via phone (article 6(1)(b) of GDPR);
2. considering complaints and claims (article 6(1)(c) of GDPR, that is compliance with a legal obligation);
3. archiving of documents i.e. resumes, agreements, correspondence, invoices (article 6(1)(c) of GDPR);
4. Exercising legal claims relating to the executed agreement (article 6(1)(f) of GDPR, that is the legitimate interest of carrying out amicable, judicial and enforcement proceedings);
5. marketing of the company's own products and services (article 6(1)(f) of GDPR, that is the legitimate interest of carrying out activities using electronic communication, including provision of the newsletter service);
Handling of applications sent to K&K Selekt via the contact form (article 6(1)(f) of GDPR - answering queries sent through the contact form. http://www.kkselekt.com/en/contact-us
Do we process your data in an automated way?
We will not process your data in an automated way, including by profiling. As part of the services rendered by K&K Selekt we use cookies solely for observing and analysing our website traffic, but we do not process personal data within the meaning of GDPR as part of these activities.
Who can be the recipient of your data?
Your data may be transferred to other entities that will process them in accordance with applicable law, in particular the entities:
1. entitled to receive your data in accordance with the law (e.g. Tax Office, Police, Court)
2. processing your data on our behalf (e.g. Post Office, Courier Company, Bank, trusted business partners, main service providers supporting our business);
How long will we process your data?
We are obliged to keep your data for the period specified in the provisions of the law, or if it is necessary for us to conduct our business operations properly, for example:
1. data relating to the performance of the agreement: until limitation of claims;
2. account records: until the limitation period of the tax liability, unless otherwise provided for in the tax act.
3. data for marketing purposes in case of data protection on the basis of:
a. a consent - until its withdrawal;
b. a legitimate interest - until an objection is filed.
Your rights in terms of data processed by K&K Selekt
You have the right to access your data and the right to rectify, erase, restrict their processing, the right to object, the right to transfer data, the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal (in case of data processing based on consent). All you need to do is send your request to K&K Selekt via email or traditional mail.
If you decide that by processing your data we are breaching the GDPR you have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Office acting as a supervisory authority.
Is it mandatory for you to provide data?
Providing your data is necessary to execute and perform the agreement by taking part in the recruiting process, employer recommendation, receiving information about the candidate, and inquiries sent to K&K Selekt. Otherwise, it is voluntary.
Appendix no 1 - the Term and Conditions Form Temple
Address (service provider) .............................................................................................................................
I hereby inform you about withdrawal from agreement of using the Tylkotalenty.pl portal
Date of conclusion of the agreement - CV registration ..............................................................................................
Name and surname of service recipient:.......................................................................................................................
Address of service recipient:............................................................................................................................................
Please remove my CV from Tylkotalenty.pl portal
Date: .............................................................................................................................................................
ul. Zagłoby 11
35-304 Rzeszów, Poland